October 7, 2019

Written by Tom Anderson

CouchWarriors QLD Ranbats for October 2019 were held on Saturday the 5th at George St Brisbane. Here’s a summary of the results in every game and how the top matches played out. A complete listing of match results and brackets for each game can be viewed on Smash.gg here.

Results for SFV, MK11, Tekken 7, and Smash U count towards the standings for the BAM Path To EVO series for that game, which can be viewed here.

Street Fighter V

  1. Willing Foe
  2. Happy
  3. GodlyEffect

Wade “Willing Foe” Ballantyne made a big run after being 2-0’d in Winners Quarters. Not only did he avenge his upper bracket loss in the Losers Final against Michael “GodlyEffect” Wright, but he then whitewashed Kim “Happy” Nguyen in Grands to make it back-to-back ranbat wins.

Tekken 7

  1. Harlem
  2. tk|jaBBu
  3. GRU|Yiggs

Without super-ringer Rest present to upset things this month, “Harlem” resumed dominance over the QLD Tekken scene, winning undefeated. The pecking order was clearly established – 2nd placed Gabe “tk|jaBBu” Najarro was defeated only by Harlem, while 3rd place getter Tom “GRU|Yiggs” Ho had his only losses against jaBBu.

DragonBall FighterZ

  1. Mustella
  2. KHFC|Driver
  3. NQUAD1Zero

“Mustella” gave us another repeat champion by winning DBFZ undefeated. “KHFC|Driver” continued the DBFZ dominance of the KHFC crew by improving on last month’s 5th place to reach 2nd. Losing only to Mustella, he came close to an upset in Winners Finals going down 2 games to 3.

Mortal Kombat 11

  1. ODT|GooGie
  2. Victrix|Castiel
  3. R!OT|SolidSnake

With qualification to the Total Kombat tournament at PAX on the line, the big guns were out this month. Edison “ODT|GooGie” Nguyen made good on his favourite status by closing out rival Blake “Victrix|Castiel” Asquith to secure his place on the Melbourne stage this weekend.

Samurai Shodown

  1. GodlyEffect
  2. Destiny74
  3. AMDG

GodlyEffect backed up a podium finish in SFV by smashing the SamSho bracket, after making 5th place last month. Only Benjamin “Destiny74” Jakabfy was able to take games off the champion, cementing the strong crossover presence of SFV players in this game.

Smash Melee

  1. smopup
  2. XP2000
  3. Niko

Ron “XP2000” W. got revenge on Brandon “Brad” Fiedler, who held him to 2nd last month, only to be bridesmaid again! This time it was Gerard “smopup” Salonen who had XP2000’s number, beating him in Winners Finals and again in Grands.

Smash Ultimate

  1. Shadrew
  2. QLD|Shitashi
  3. 411|Ben Gold

Ben “411|Ben Gold” Gold, drawing power from his namesake crocodile, strung together 4 losers bracket wins to reach Losers Finals. He was only just brought down in a nailbiting 3-2 set by Andrew “Shadrew” Isokangas, who then cruised to a 6-0 grand final reset win over Chris “QLD|Shitashi” Goold.

Smash Ultimate Doubles

  1. 411|Ben Gold / SadHour
  2. Shadrew / Negima
  3. 411|Flex / 411|Crimson

Reigning BAM Singles champion Ben Gold and Finn “SadHour” O’Brien were untroubled as they repeated their victory from the last ranbat. This time they didn’t even drop a set. Shadrew improved his podium placing from last month by changing partners, reaching 2nd place alongside “Negima”. Meanwhile Ethan “Umbrella” Haslem, who partnered with Shadrew for 3rd in September, slipped to 4th place here.

Fantasy Strike

  1. Kwaksy
  2. KaiDASH
  3. WiFi|Exist

The recently-released back-to-basics 2D fighter from David Sirlin found some fans at this month’s ranbat, with Kwaksy proving the king of fundamentals.

Ultra Street Fighter IV

  1. Corey Mason
  2. elguso
  3. b2w|ShroomyD

A small throwback tournament for Ultra Street Fighter IV gave those sick of SFV a chance to reminisce about the good old days of 2009. Is this the start of a revival for this “classic” SF title? We’ll find out next month.


Congratulations to all of our top-placed competitors from October! You can find details of future ranbat events on the CouchWarriors Facebook page.


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